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10 Random things about me

(self-selectedly tagged by Kelsey)

Rules of the game: Once you're tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random facts about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to let them know they've been tagged. I'm told that you can't tag the person who tagged you. Thank God! OR this could go on forever.
  1. (insert random things) make me cry. Books, movies, music, sometimes just the smell of fresh autumn air and sunlight outdoors will make me tear up. I remember sitting in my room in HS my senior year. I was reading "the man in the iron mask" by Alexandre Dumas for an english project. At the end of the novel, Porthos Dies. There are three chapters devoted to his death. I was there sitting at my desk bawling as I read for 20 minutes or more.
  2. I have hobbit feet. size 10 but very wide. I can never find shoes quite wide enough for my feet. It sucks!
  3. At barely 5'10" I am the tallest member of my immediate family.
  4. I'm terrible with time. I'm habitually late and can barely remember the order of the months. If i have something to do and I don't do it now or write it down there's a 80% chance I will totally forget about it.
  5. I'm 28 and have been romantically involved with 4 people so far in my life. Longest relationship: 8 years (dated 4 married 4), shortest 6 months.
  6. I'm addicted to music. There's rarely a time when I do without it. I like many varieties of music and my tastes have changed over the years but my favorite kind of music is very emotive. It makes me _feel_. Rage: Nirvana, Tori amos. Sadness: James, the eels. Frenetic Joy: Ben folds. Pensive: DCFC, postal service.
  7. I consider myself a Christian, though I don't believe in Hell and I do believe that all faiths are legitimate ways to reach out to the Creator of the Universe. I try to follow the example of Jesus and see my connection with God primarily through his story.
  8. At the same time I consider myself a scientist. I think that reason, creativity and the scientific method are the best ways we have of understanding the observable physical world. I am happy to change my opinion based on new information and reasoning.
  9. I went to my first "real" concert in the 10th grade. I saw the Count Basie Orchestra at the Pella Opera House with my friend Ian. We ditched my other good friend Erin Alberty for two last minute tickets in the 6th row center-ish. We showed up with a couple minutes to spare. (2nd Concert: Front row Metallica 12th grade)
  10. I didn't drink or smoke before it was legal for me to do so. Not because either is evil or stupid, but because I see no reason to break laws unless I believe they are wrong and have been unable to do something about it though legal channels

Man, I'm a square.

I chose to tag no one. Consider yourself tagged if you see fit.


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